You might have one working for you now. But prima donnas Be sensitive to how prima donnas are affecting everyone else on your team. And if you are really lucky, you work with people who can overlook a prima donna’s egotistical ways because they also recognize the value a prima donna can provide. Of course they are. You must have a measurable standard of accountability for the proper attitudes, skills, and habits — a selling process — for all of your staff.2. I even kept a log of all the negative comments she told me, like every day she would say ‘you did this wrong’ or you ‘forgot to do this.’ Told the HR Director and he wrote down my comments. They will probably not perform well in the “getting along with others” category of the performance review. Try to assign them projects that require a lot of thinking and little teamwork. But there is another class of prima donna who cannot be tolerated: the toxic personality. The prima donna is often a good performer who has let his or her special talents inflate the ego instead of focusing on serving others. Here’s an insight from blogger Joanna Krotz in her post, “There are a couple of ways to do this. As a leader you have three choices in dealing with a prima donna: coddle them, cut them, correct them. Prima donna often flourish in crisis situations where they can be heroes, and their creativity and skills are critical to you– say your website service is interrupted inexplicably and you need a creative technology solution, or your CEO needs an A+ presentation created overnight for an unexpected opportunity to impress a client.In those situations, you might be more willing to put up with their negatives and give the prima donna plenty of latitude to solve a problem. By using this site, you agree to this use. And it’s a good thing Dowding’s superiors listened.As Michael Korda asserts, an over-commitment to help France would have wasted scarce resources at a time when England was about to endure a vicious attack from the air and France was a lost cause, anyway. Traditionally, prima donna refers to the leading female singer in an opera company. So although you should expect prima donnas to at least try to improve their interpersonal skills, don’t try to change them. The living, breathing rebuttal to the idea that when employees are treated with respect, they’re more productive. The same attributes that can make them difficult to work with – a thirst to succeed coupled with strong self-confidence – can be harnessed for the benefit of everyone in your company.But on the other hand, their prickly, high-maintenance personalities can create a distraction for you and grief for your team.Prima donnas often possess brilliant insight and vision, but they can also undermine their causes with their delivery styles, which can be self-aggrandizing, confrontational, or both. Our WR English Definitions dictionary gives a similar example: The team was a bunch of prima donnas. And defending Britain was crucial to preventing Hitler from overrunning all of Europe – especially at a time when Britain stood alone (the United States would not enter the war for a few years yet).As Korda writes, “[Hugh Dowding] probably saved Britain by standing up to Winston Churchill during the great crisis of France’s defeat.”If you are an executive, you are the ultimate decision maker. Bronson replied, “Yeah kid, don’t ever confuse the size of your paycheck with your talent, and remember not to ever believe your press clippings.” That’s exactly what some salespeople in the home-building business tend to do. I know a terrific sales manager who uses this phrase on those occasions: “It’s not personal, it’s business, and I think it’s best if you take your excellence elsewhere.” That means having a program and the confidence that you can recruit, educate, and motivate good replacements. prima donna [countable] 1 the most important woman singer in an opera company 2 someone who thinks that they are very good at what they do, and demands a lot of attention and praise from other people: In my view, football players are a bunch of over-paid prima donnas.
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