The general coverage of the EHIS is the population aged 15 or over living in private households residing in the national territory. The White Paper establishes actions for the promotion of the consumption of fruit and vegetables especially in schools and in the workplace. More specifically, in 17 out of 28 EU Member States the share of the population eating fruit at least once a day exceeded 50 %. Today, the European Union is the second largest peach and nectarine producer worldwide. Unlike other parts of the strategy, national authorities must submit their proposed NEF to the European Commission, which verifies compliance with the goals set out in article 191 of the Treaty on the functioning of the European Union. This article presents statistics on the consumption of fruit and vegetables across the 100% EU financial assistance is available for transfer of knowledge on crisis prevention and management measures from experienced POs or APOs all over EU to junior POs, PGs or individual producers (the latter located in regions with an organisation rate lower than 20%). Details on NEFs by country are laid out in the country files. More specifically, persons consuming vegetables at least once a day accounted for between 29.6 % in Romania to 78.5 % in Belgium. Differences between higher and lower educated people exceeded 15 percentage points in Lithuania, Estonia, Croatia, the Czech Republic and Bulgaria, peaking at 27 percentage points in Romania. In 2014, 11.6 % of the EU-28 population in the first income quintile group (the 20 % of the population with the lowest income) reported a consumption of at least five portions of fruit and vegetables as part of the daily diet, compared to 14.3 % in the third income quintile group and 17.3 % in the fifth income quintile group (the 20 % of the population with the highest income). In most EU Member States, more than half of the population ate fruit at least once a day. However, the total public support for harvest insurance (EU plus national) cannot exceed the following percentages of insurance premiums paid by producers: Harvest insurance measures may not cover insurance payments that compensate producers for more than 100% of the income loss suffered, taking into account any compensation from other related support schemes. Specific EU marketing standards for individual products must be in line with the relevant UNECE standards, as per EU regulation 543/2011 and are updated regularly to this effect. Today Mediterranean countries and particularly Greece constitute one of the largest producers of quality fruits which are exported around the world. Similarly to the pattern observed for fruit consumption, in the EU-28, 47.4 % population having completed upper secondary or post-secondary education reported eating vegetables at least daily in 2014; this share reached 48.2 % for those having completed at most lower secondary education and 56.9 % for those with tertiary education (Figure 9). Please take a few minutes and fill in our questionnaire! In addition, to the improvement of the efficiency linked to the implementation of these measures, it may also promote the setting-up of new producer organisations, merging existing ones or enabling individual producers to join an existing producer organisation; creating networking opportunities for coaching providers and recipients, to strengthen in particular marketing channels as a mean of crisis prevention and management. All these make fruits an ideal alternative for people who wish to have a diet rich in vitamins and minerals that help maintain a healthy body weight and a good state of vitality. The European Commission and the Consumers, Health, Agriculture and Food Executive Agency do not accept any responsibility for any use that may be made of the information it contains. European apples that are produced in Greece are distinguished for their quality, taste, firmness, beautiful colour and their aroma. The POs regime requires national authorities to recognise any group of producers that applies for PO status, if they meet the requirements: The national authorities must set up a national strategy for sustainable operational programmes, to define which measures are eligible for support. They are an excellent source of vitamins A and C and rich in beta-carotene and fiber as well. Recognition of interbranch organisations is also favoured where they proof to be sufficiently representative of the various occupational categories of the fruit and vegetables sector and carry out practical actions contributing to the goals of the scheme. Following therefore the framework of international standards, producers apply quality assurance systems being certified according to GLOBAL GAP, IFS, BRC and ISO 22000 standards and protocols, from production up to standardisation and trading of products, coming this way closer to a universal quality system which begins with the field and ends with the final consumer. not more than 90% of the maximum support level for withdrawal. This page has been accessed 16,165 times. Council Conclusions on Nutrition and Physical Activity were published in 2014. The European variety that stands out is the sultana, whose grape is big and seedless. Apples can be enjoyed fresh, in smoothies, fruit salads or even in regular salads for a touch of freshness and flavour. Other activities promoting consumption under PO's operational programmes can also receive support. European fruits: freshness and delicious taste! The European Packaging Forum is a precisely tailored congress event for the fruit & vegetable industry. The risk analysis must be based on the information recorded in the traders database. Very famous and savoury are the PDO “Zagora Pelion Apples” which are known under their own denomination and are famous for their aroma and rich flavour. Thanks to its privileged geographical position, the favourable temperate climate and fertile soil, growing fruit has been one of its inhabitants’ main occupations since ancient times. Enjoy a fresh cold apricot at any time of the day that is sure to cool you down while offering you a sense of freshness and sweetness on the palate! not replacing) the quantities these bodies normally buy in. The annual reports must accompany their applications for aid. The fruit and vegetables market observatory contains the latest market monitoring of production, prices, trade, and other statistics.
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