Tukey post-hoc analyses revealed that participants made more judgmental errors in sarcastic egocentric (45.56% ± 26.60%) than in literal (20.56% ± 17.33%) and sarcastic allocentric (18.89% ± 22.63%, all ps < 0.001, A. There is growing evidence that sleep plays a pivotal role on health, cognition and emotional regulation. Public Library of Science
Post-hoc tests in ANOVAs were performed using Tukey’s correction for multiple comparisons.In the PVT task, tonic alertness was computed using the Reciprocal Response Time (RRT = mean 1/RTs) and the variability of valid RTs (RTs ≥ 100 ms). Great gift idea for birthday or christmas. Adding prosodic cues compensate for increased processing difficulties in sarcasm detection after sleep deprivation, possibly through a strategic reallocation of cognitive resources in favouring a decision process based on prosodic cues only.The authors thank Marie Chatelain for help in data acquisition.Conceived and designed the experiments: GD FS AM HS PP AC MK. Here are some of the popular quotes by TV’s most sarcastic characters-“It’s not easy being drunk all the time. In this case, the message is sarcastic from both the participant’s and the addressee’s perspectives (Sarcastic allocentric: SA).

A mixed measures ANOVA conducted on mean sleep duration with within subject factor Night (N-2, N-1 before the experimental session) and between subject factor Condition (RS vs. SD) failed to reveal a main effect of Condition (F1, 28 = 0.14; p = 0.71) or Night of sleep (F1, 28 = 0.68; p = 0.42). The 10-minute Psychomotor Vigilance Task (PVT; [Statistical analyses were performed using Statistica 7.0 (Statsoft Inc., Tulsa, OK). In a classic task-switching paradigm, where participants had to perform two different tasks in random succession, Couyoumdjian et al. In the first version, the event turns out positive, and the correct interpretation of target utterance is a literal one (Literal scenarios: L). Due to a technical failure with one actimeter, concordance could not be verified for one participant.
Messages were uttered with a neutral intonation and were either: (1) sarcastic from both the participant’s and the addressee’s perspectives (i.e. The SD vs. SR groups in the SAI condition are connected by the left bracket. 23. She hesitates between two films, one that has got good reviews and one that is coming that night. Since the F-value was > 1 despite a p > .05 [A.

That said, a 24-hr sleep deprivation protocol presents ecological value, as it is closer to real world situations, where one generally does not stay more than one night awake. However, we also found that SD participants were significantly slower to adopt another person’s perspective. Percentage of judgmental errors for sarcastic allocentric (SA) and sarcastic allocentric with intonation (SAI) scenarios.

However, the interplay between sleep and social cognition remains an uncharted research area. Free PMC article

The right bracket connects the SD group in the SA condition to the SR group in the SAI condition.

Percentage of judgmental errors for literal (L), sarcastic egocentric (SE), sarcastic allocentric (SA) scenarios.

Zombies eat brains. B. In particular, little is known about the impact of sleep deprivation on sarcasm detection, an ability which, once altered, may hamper everyday social interactions.

The regular sleep group (RS) consisted of 13 women and 2 men (mean age and standard deviation [std], 22.4 ± 2.67), and the sleep deprivation group (SD) consisted of 11 women and 4 men (mean age and std, 21.13 ± 1.64). Recall that while in both scenarios the target utterance is a sincere statement from the addressee's point of view, in the SE scenarios participants must inhibit their own contextual knowledge to adequately infer the addressee's interpretation.

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